Now, when I run loadUpdateData, I get Copy code Copy code SEVERE 17/05/12 1:26 PM:liquibase: Change Set /local/changelog.xml::insertdata-1::Maven failed. Error: Error executing SQL DECLARE v_reccount NUMBER := 0; BEGIN SELECT COUNT INTO v_reccount FROM unit_survey.locations WHERE location_cd = '1'; IF v_reccount = 0 THEN INSERT INTO unit_survey.locations (active_fg, create_date, create_user, display_fg, location_cd, location_nm, modify_date, modify_user) VALUES ('Y', NULL, 'UNIT_SURVEY', 'Y', '1', 'Bentley Campus', NULL, 'INT_USER'); ELSIF v_reccount = 1 THEN UPDATE unit_survey.locations SET active_fg = 'Y', create_date = NULL, create_user = 'UNIT_SURVEY', display_fg = 'Y', location_nm = 'Bentley Campus', modify_date = NULL, modify_user = 'INT_USER' WHERE location_cd = '1'; END IF; END; /: ORA-06550: line 11, column 1: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "/" The symbol "/" was ignored. I'm using Oracle thin driver ojdbc6- and running the task with Maven.
I guess you should add an attribute on loadUpdateData to generate the "/" or not...
Juraj Misur March 25, 2013 at 9:32 AM
Is above mentioned fix available in some snapshot build? What is the ETA for 2.0.6?
DevFactory CodeRead [MB] November 12, 2012 at 4:38 PM
I've seen the post
Now, when I run loadUpdateData, I get
Copy code
Copy code
SEVERE 17/05/12 1:26 PM:liquibase: Change Set /local/changelog.xml::insertdata-1::Maven failed. Error: Error executing SQL DECLARE
v_reccount NUMBER := 0;
SELECT COUNT INTO v_reccount FROM unit_survey.locations WHERE location_cd = '1';
IF v_reccount = 0 THEN
INSERT INTO unit_survey.locations (active_fg, create_date, create_user, display_fg, location_cd, location_nm, modify_date, modify_user) VALUES ('Y', NULL, 'UNIT_SURVEY', 'Y', '1', 'Bentley Campus', NULL, 'INT_USER');
ELSIF v_reccount = 1 THEN
UPDATE unit_survey.locations SET active_fg = 'Y', create_date = NULL, create_user = 'UNIT_SURVEY', display_fg = 'Y', location_nm = 'Bentley Campus', modify_date = NULL, modify_user = 'INT_USER' WHERE location_cd = '1';
/: ORA-06550: line 11, column 1:
PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "/" The symbol "/" was ignored.
I'm using Oracle thin driver ojdbc6- and running the task with Maven.
I guess you should add an attribute on loadUpdateData to generate the "/" or not...