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While comparing two databses (mysql) the xml file created is invalid.
<changeSet author="xxx (generated)" id="1400232139845-48"><dropIndex tableName="table"/></changeSet>
indexName is missing...
The index should not be dropped at all, the next line in that xml is the following:
<changeSet author="xxx (generated)" id="1400232139845-49"><createIndex indexName="PRIMARY" tableName="table"><column name="id"/></createIndex>
What should be dropped is the Foreign Key, see screenshots.
This bug was not present in 2.0.5, but seems to be there in all 3.x.x versions
Mysql Server Version: 5.1.41Hibernate 4.3.4
While comparing two databses (mysql) the xml file created is invalid.
<changeSet author="xxx (generated)" id="1400232139845-48">
<dropIndex tableName="table"/>
indexName is missing...
The index should not be dropped at all, the next line in that xml is the following:
<changeSet author="xxx (generated)" id="1400232139845-49">
<createIndex indexName="PRIMARY" tableName="table">
<column name="id"/>
What should be dropped is the Foreign Key, see screenshots.
This bug was not present in 2.0.5, but seems to be there in all 3.x.x versions