The append content of the modifySql element is also appended to the rollback of the change set
Nathan Voxland September 19, 2009 at 6:03 AM
Thanks for the commit!
I changed the attribute name to "applyToRollback" and updated the docs
ChristianC September 19, 2009 at 4:58 AM
Committed in revision 1158. Review number is CR-CORE-12
ChristianC September 1, 2009 at 5:12 AM
The following is a work around using the above example. It's fiddly and has to be customised based on the original change:
<changeSet id="change-1" author="author">
<createTable tableName="table_one" schemaName="app">
<column name="column_one" type="integer">
<constraints nullable="false"/>
<!-- replace generated definition of last column. Not applied to drop table since columns aren't listed in drops -->
<modifySql dbms="db2">
<replace replace="column_one integer NOT NULL)"
with="column_one integer NOT NULL) in userspace1 index in userspace1"/>
<changeSet id="change-1" author="author"> <createTable tableName="table_one" schemaName="app"> <column name="column_one" type="integet"> <constraints nullable="false"/> </column> </createTable> <!-- created in default DB2 Table spaces to make reproducing bug easier <modifySql dbms="db2"> <append value=" in userspace1 index in userspace1"/> </modifySql> </changeSet>