Inoperable column type definition java.sql.Types.NUMERIC(accuracy) and threw UnexpectedLiquibaseException exception.
Windows 7, Oracle database XE 10g, Java 1.6.0_23
Nathan Voxland January 14, 2011 at 6:43 AM
Many of our databaseChangeLogs contains a column definition java.sql.Types.NUMERIC(accuracy).
In version 1.9.5 liquibase this way of definition worked. In version 2.0.0 works only definition with NUMERIC(accuracy) or standard NUMBER(accuracy).
Using the definition java.sql.Types.NUMERIC(accuracy) also causes UnexpectedLiquibaseException exception thrown.
It is caused by returning null values in the method liquibase.database.typeconversion.core.AbstractTypeConverter.getTypeFromMetaData(String dataTypeName), then returned typeName is tested for null value and then is UnexpectedLiquibaseException thrown.
In our environment is updating by liquibase tool Oracle database.