- dropAll doesn't work on InformixCORE-1650Resolved issue: CORE-1650
- using column with name text is broken for HSQLCORE-1487Resolved issue: CORE-1487
- SQL changelog are not correctly handled (NPE)CORE-1464Resolved issue: CORE-1464
- Precondition negation does not seem to workCORE-1454Resolved issue: CORE-1454
- loadUpdateData does not escape apostrophesCORE-1436Resolved issue: CORE-1436
- Liquibase H2 InsertOrUpdateGeneratorH2 fails if primary key column name contains $ characterCORE-1432Resolved issue: CORE-1432
- Support Springs classpath*: prefix for includeAllCORE-1428Resolved issue: CORE-1428
- Not generateChangeLog properly for INT2 type for PostgresCORE-1427Resolved issue: CORE-1427
- NullPointerException in IndexExistsPreconditionCORE-1425Resolved issue: CORE-1425
- NPE in ForeignKeyComparatorCORE-1423Resolved issue: CORE-1423
- Unnecessary snapshot on liquibase updateCORE-1401Resolved issue: CORE-1401
- Boolean field of MySQL getting wrong value during dbDiffCORE-1391Resolved issue: CORE-1391
- liquibase-core parent version and project version not matching in pom.xml in HEADCORE-1384
- ^M present in liquibase unix running file (from jar on maven repo)CORE-1380Resolved issue: CORE-1380
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