- Liquibase 3.6.1 not working for MaxDBCORE-3264
- MariaDB 10.3.6: ColumnSnapshotGenerator.readDefaultValue() failed with NumberFormatException on parsing value "NULL"CORE-3230
- Add directives to generated SQLCORE-3057
- Oracle viewExists FailingCORE-2707
- Configuring parameter values don' work, an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1 is launchCORE-2507Resolved issue: CORE-2507
- alterSequence does not work as expected when you need to change the cache sizeCORE-2357Resolved issue: CORE-2357
- ChangeLog table name option in command line toolCORE-2307Resolved issue: CORE-2307
- Regression from 3.2.3 in mssql 2000 unsupported usage of varchar(max) and sys.extenden_propertiesCORE-2301Resolved issue: CORE-2301
- loadData does not require column tagsCORE-2269
- dropAll does not drop viewsCORE-2268Resolved issue: CORE-2268
- Fail to create table with Double columns on MySQL on mvn liquibase:updateCORE-2230
- diffChangeLog with JPA-annotated entities causes ConcurrentModificationExceptionCORE-2206Resolved issue: CORE-2206
- Oracle viewExists generates SQL for wrong catalog/schema.CORE-2198
- Ant: "Unable to update database." without explanationCORE-2196Resolved issue: CORE-2196
- Liquibase session identification in 'v$session' viewCORE-2195
- Illegal group reference update problem with $ char in changeset name.CORE-2187
- AbstractResourceAccessor#convertToPath(String, String) fails for processing includeAll from ClasspathCORE-2186Resolved issue: CORE-2186
- diff doesn't write correct Changesets for foreign key constraints with ON DELETE CASCADECORE-2184Resolved issue: CORE-2184
- ClassLoader leak due to shutdown hooksCORE-2182
- Foreign key constraints having the same name are not generated using generateChangeLog.CORE-2181
- Fatal exception acquiring lock in SQL Server databases with case-sensitive collationCORE-2178Resolved issue: CORE-2178
- numericValue="5.0000000" causes checksum failureCORE-2176
- Bad exception handling in OracleDatabase.setConnectionCORE-2174Resolved issue: CORE-2174
- MariaDB: generateChangeLog fails to process parentheses in ENUM valuesCORE-2168
- SpringLiquibase: includeAll within jar causes SetupExceptionCORE-2166Resolved issue: CORE-2166
- property tag does not seem to be respecting the context attributeCORE-2053Resolved issue: CORE-2053
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