- Liquibase marks the script as executed when there is a warning and an error in the script.CORE-3539
- Informix doesn't support TINYINTCORE-3415
- Support dbms attribute on all tags or at least on all changes and preconditionsCORE-3331
- Please ensure ID uniqeness even with different dbms-attributesCORE-3330
- DefaultPackageScanClassResolver scans wrong paths if package full name contains "!"CORE-3310
- createIndex refactoring includes schema name on postgresCORE-3288
- Liquibase 3.6.1 not working for MaxDBCORE-3264
- Database diff gives away incorrect resultsCORE-3218
- liquibase with Oracle raises exception "Table 'DATABASECHANGELOG' already exists" when using separate liquibase schemaCORE-3199
- java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.util.Date during lockService.listLocks() [SQLite]CORE-3197
- dbms attribute values are case insensitive for changeset tags but for sql tags inside changeset the values for dbms attribute should be all lower caseCORE-3184
- SQLServer- GenerateChangeLog Time and DateTimeOffSet fields are with wrong precisionCORE-3127
- Checksum seems to use changelog file pathCORE-3038
- Can't drop DB2 Views - liquibase.statement.core.GetViewDefinitionStatement@39e91395CORE-2999Resolved issue: CORE-2999
- OutputChange's target attribute should have a different default value.CORE-2998
- modifyDataType ignores NOT NULLCORE-2984
- modifyDataType ignores CHARACTER SETCORE-2983
- addNotNullConstraint ignores CHARACTER SETCORE-2982
- Race condition during migrationsCORE-2959
- Support reading of gzip files from classpathCORE-2921
- pgsql race condition on databasechangeloglock table creationCORE-2882
- Drop Primary Key on Postgres is not working (case sensitive)CORE-2880
- MySql BIT(1) defaultValue not snapshotted as BooleanCORE-2831Resolved issue: CORE-2831
- createSequence should have a remarks attribute in changelog xmlCORE-2799
- Liquibase instance is not thread safeCORE-2792
- Oracle Sequences not Generated in generateChangeLog after 3.4.1CORE-2775
- Diff ignores "columnDefinition" and @Lob annotationCORE-2760
- diff and diffChangeLog modes use the target and base (reference) database arguments in opposite directionCORE-2751
- --delimiter parameter in liquibase --helpCORE-2739Resolved issue: CORE-2739
- modifySql & createTable with columns remarksCORE-2738
- MariaDB: precision for Datetime gets ignoredCORE-2730
- validate commandCORE-2726
- DB2: Don't include system-generated indexesCORE-2725Resolved issue: CORE-2725
- Support offline databases in ant-tasksCORE-2724Resolved issue: CORE-2724
- mysql connector 6.0.2: "Column name pattern can not be NULL or empty"CORE-2723
- Custom XSD for a Liquibase extension causes Liquibase to failCORE-2722
- endDelimiter regex does not work in SQL changelogs/changesetsCORE-2721Resolved issue: CORE-2721
- DB2: Capture full view definition in snapshot/generateChangeLog to support column optionsCORE-2720Resolved issue: CORE-2720
- Oracle: Cannot snapshot primary keys on lower-case tablesCORE-2719Resolved issue: CORE-2719
- H2 Database should query for default schema instead always use PUBLICCORE-2718Resolved issue: CORE-2718
- Maintain Chocolatey packagesCORE-2716
- tableExists and columnExists preconditions fail on MySQLCORE-2715Resolved issue: CORE-2715
- Liquibase removes EOL format file in Windows when executing proceduresCORE-2714
- CreateView disregards replaceIfExists=true when fullDefinition=trueCORE-2713Resolved issue: CORE-2713
- Cannot load CSV via loadDataCORE-2711Resolved issue: CORE-2711
- Quote with inside comment and default value make update failedCORE-2710
- endDelimiter regexp problemCORE-2709Resolved issue: CORE-2709
- maven plugin not picking up migrationSqlOutputFile from properties fileCORE-2708
- Oracle viewExists FailingCORE-2707
- diffChangeLog generates dropColumn when dropping an index with a computed columnCORE-2705Resolved issue: CORE-2705
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