- includeAll does not work with java 9+ and multi-module projects.CORE-3550
- ChangeLogParseException with Spring BootCORE-3459
- Close connection after useCORE-3444
- SpringLiquibase SetupException using "includeAll" tagCORE-3354
- Logging set to DEBUG when using liquibase.integration.spring.SpringLiquibaseCORE-3254
- SQL statements in <sql> tag are not using defaultSchema when configured with MultiTenantSpringLiquibaseCORE-3225
- settting deferrable or initiallyDeferred fails for any version of derby >=
- Changelog with includeAll will not find child changelogs in multi-modules Spring Boot's executable JARCORE-3213Resolved issue: CORE-3213
- zip file support on ClassLoaderResourceAccessorCORE-3172
- ClassLoaderResourceAccessor cannot read jar path resources from SpringLiquibaseCORE-3139Resolved issue: CORE-3139
- SpringLiquibase class has a schema bug with multischema implementationCORE-3137
- generateChangelog does not order views correctly based on usageCORE-3070
- Failure to locate correct MANIFEST.MF in SpringLiquibase classCORE-3001
- Running Liquibase with non-xa datasourceCORE-2964
- java.sql.SQLException: PooledConnection has already been closedCORE-2780Resolved issue: CORE-2780
- Add possibility to test rollback with SpringLiquibaseCORE-2735Resolved issue: CORE-2735
- Generating a futureRollbackSql when using "classpath:" prefix doesn't recognise any of the ran change sets.CORE-2680Resolved issue: CORE-2680
- includeAll includes just first xmlCORE-2592
- liquibase.exception.ServiceNotFoundException: Could not find implementation of liquibase.logging.LoggerCORE-2403Resolved issue: CORE-2403
- NoClassDefFoundError in ServiceLocatorCORE-2372
- FileNotFoundException in SpringLiquibaseCORE-2335Resolved issue: CORE-2335
- Inefficient multi tenant updateCORE-2293
- SpringLiquibase: includeAll within jar causes SetupExceptionCORE-2166Resolved issue: CORE-2166
- SpringLiquibase: includeAll within jar causes NullPointerExceptionCORE-2164Resolved issue: CORE-2164
- Overriding liquibase.databaseChangeLogLockTableName does not work via Change Log PropertiesCORE-2091
- Problem using includeAll with SpringLiquibaseCORE-2023Resolved issue: CORE-2023
- Could not find implementation of liquibase.logging.LoggerCORE-2003Resolved issue: CORE-2003
- SpringLiqubase includeAll is not including filesCORE-1920Resolved issue: CORE-1920
- SpringLiquibase fails when dropFirst is trueCORE-1919Resolved issue: CORE-1919
- mysql case insensitive affects databasechangelog creationCORE-1614Resolved issue: CORE-1614
- Regression: diff generates full schema instead of changes when using liquibase-hibernate4CORE-1572Resolved issue: CORE-1572
- Support multi-tenant spring applicationsCORE-1472Resolved issue: CORE-1472
- Support Springs classpath*: prefix for includeAllCORE-1428Resolved issue: CORE-1428
- SpringLiquibase not closing connection if rollback exceptionCORE-1405Resolved issue: CORE-1405
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