SnapshotGenerator extension system does not allow replacement of generators
The extension system currently allows new extensions to be registered automatically, but built in ones cannot be removed automatically.
For example, if a database does not support indexes, you cannot have an extension that removes the default IndexSnapshotGenerator. Or if there iis a better implementation of UniqueConstraintSnapshotGenerator than the default, the default is still ran.
Nathan Voxland January 6, 2014 at 8:30 PM
Created new replaces() method on SnapshotGenerator interface
The extension system currently allows new extensions to be registered automatically, but built in ones cannot be removed automatically.
For example, if a database does not support indexes, you cannot have an extension that removes the default IndexSnapshotGenerator. Or if there iis a better implementation of UniqueConstraintSnapshotGenerator than the default, the default is still ran.