SQLServer diff - DATETIME2 not being handled correctly
windows / sql server
Nathan Voxland June 23, 2015 at 4:23 PM
Fixed datetime2 portion of the original issue in 3.4.0
Nathan Voxland June 23, 2015 at 4:23 PM
Split TIMESTAMP issue out into https://liquibase.jira.com/browse/CORE-2401#icft=CORE-2401
SqlServer timestamps/rowversions are not handled correctly under 3.1.1
if you have a column of type "TIMESTAMP" (synonym: rowversion, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-au/library/ms182776.aspx )
script table as create produces: sql server:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].testTable(
[TestLastUpdateValue] [timestamp] NOT NULL ,
[TestDate] dateTime2(3)
and you do a diff between this db and a blank db you get
<changeSet author="hilland (generated)" id="1402553718353-105">
<createTable tableName="testTable">
<column name="TestLastUpdateValue" type="DATETIME">
<constraints nullable="false"/>
<column name="TestDate" type="datetime"/>
updateSQL then promotes this to
CREATE TABLE [dbo].testTable(
[TestLastUpdateValue] datetime NOT NULL ,
[TestDate] dateTime
note both columns changed data type.
which in almost all cases is not compatible with the original table. dateTime has limited precision, rounding errors, and can not handle years before a specific date.
timestamp is automatically populated on change, and monotonically increasing. (note, rowversion/timestamp does not store time, so data from a timestamp column can not be stored in a dateTime column)