Columnnames are not quoted when working with hsqldb-backends
When using a changelog with columnames that contains illegal(for hsqldb) characters we get an liquibase.exception.DatabaseException caused by an org.hsqldb.HsqlException: unknown token:.
When using quoted columnnames it works fine with hsqldb. So liquibase should at least use qouted columnnames agains hsqldb-backends when the columnname contains illegal characters. But I cannot say which one are ok and which one are not. So i suggest to quote every single columnname.
When using a changelog with columnames that contains illegal(for hsqldb) characters we get an liquibase.exception.DatabaseException caused by an org.hsqldb.HsqlException: unknown token:.
When using quoted columnnames it works fine with hsqldb. So liquibase should at least use qouted columnnames agains hsqldb-backends when the columnname contains illegal characters. But I cannot say which one are ok and which one are not. So i suggest to quote every single columnname.