dropPrimaryKey without constraint name on sql server doesn't honour schema information
I'm trying to drop a primary key from a table. The XML that I'm using in liquibase to accomplish that is:
The generated Query for SQL-Server looks like
and what's missing is the schema condition. If it should support any Schemaname the Query should look like:
select @pkname=o.name from sysindexes i join sysobjects o ON i.id = o.id join sysobjects pk ON i.name = pk.name AND pk.parent_obj = i.id AND pk.xtype = 'PK' join sysindexkeys ik on i.id = ik.id AND i.indid = ik.indid join syscolumns c ON ik.id = c.id AND ik.colid = c.colid
I'm trying to drop a primary key from a table. The XML that I'm using in liquibase to accomplish that is:
The generated Query for SQL-Server looks like
and what's missing is the schema condition. If it should support any Schemaname the Query should look like:
This Bug affects the following class only
Let me know if you need any more information.