loadData fails with quoted string containing a comma
Nathan Voxland March 10, 2016 at 10:06 PM
I updated our CSV parsing library, but you do need to set the quotchar attribute in loadData.
Like this:
file: com/example/data.csv
encoding: UTF-8
tableName: confederation
quotchar: '"'
Nathan Voxland November 18, 2015 at 10:43 PM
This will take a larger CSV parsing fix than I'd like to do in a patch release
I have the following yaml changelog:
and the csv looks like:
When reaching the 3th row it tries to create a record with shortname which is longer then 20 positions (db limit).
The value CONCACAF is not longer then 20 positions... so it seems it tries to insert an unexpected shortname.
I cannot proof it but I have the feeling it tries to insert something like ` Central American and Caribbean Association Football",CONCACAF`.