Add attribute, that allow to set your own, custom DESCRIPTION
Each executed changeSet is mark in DATABASECHANGELOG table with some description (column DESCRIPTION). For example
for tables it looks like this: "createTable tableName=TABLE1",
for primary keys like this: "createIndex indexName=TABLE1_IDX, tableName=TABLE1; addPrimaryKey constraintName=TABLE1_PK, forIndexName=TABLE1_IDX, tableName=TABLE1" etc.
So all descriptions are quite precisely - all besides sql and sqlFile changes (just "sql" or "sqlFile" in DESCRIPTION column).
It would be great to have some possibility to define your own, custom description at least for those 2 changes. Mayby some atribute for <sql> and <sqlFile> tags? Like: description="my own description that will appear in databasechangelog table"
Or even better possibility to define custom description for all changeSets - for example atribute description in <changeSet> tag.
Manually defined descriptions should replace those automaticly defined.
Each executed changeSet is mark in DATABASECHANGELOG table with some description (column DESCRIPTION). For example
for tables it looks like this: "createTable tableName=TABLE1",
for primary keys like this: "createIndex indexName=TABLE1_IDX, tableName=TABLE1; addPrimaryKey constraintName=TABLE1_PK, forIndexName=TABLE1_IDX, tableName=TABLE1" etc.
So all descriptions are quite precisely - all besides sql and sqlFile changes (just "sql" or "sqlFile" in DESCRIPTION column).
It would be great to have some possibility to define your own, custom description at least for those 2 changes. Mayby some atribute for <sql> and <sqlFile> tags? Like: description="my own description that will appear in databasechangelog table"
Or even better possibility to define custom description for all changeSets - for example atribute description in <changeSet> tag.
Manually defined descriptions should replace those automaticly defined.