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When trying to run liquibase --diffTypes=data generateChangeLog on a Apache Derby (via org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver) i get the following error:
This is caused by JdbcUtils.getResultSetValue(...) due to this change in derby:
I did a short test; When Checking for MetaData-Types CLOB/BLOB and retrieve the CLOB/BLOB value only once as expected no error was thrown.
Reproducing the error:
create an empty Derby Database; e.g. with jdbcUrl: jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/emptyDBtest;create=true
run the following script for generating blob and clob data:
run liquibase from commandline: liquibase --diffTypes=data generateChangeLog
When trying to run liquibase --diffTypes=data generateChangeLog on a Apache Derby (via org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver) i get the following error:
This is caused by JdbcUtils.getResultSetValue(...) due to this change in derby:
I did a short test; When Checking for MetaData-Types CLOB/BLOB and retrieve the CLOB/BLOB value only once as expected no error was thrown.
Reproducing the error:
create an empty Derby Database; e.g. with jdbcUrl: jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/emptyDBtest;create=true
run the following script for generating blob and clob data:
run liquibase from commandline: liquibase --diffTypes=data generateChangeLog