Custom property in liquibase (after migration to newer version) causes failure in Spring boot
Spring Boot 2.0.9
JDK 11
liquibase-core >= 3.7.0 (mvnrepository)

Patrik Zapletal December 30, 2019 at 8:54 AM
Hello, we have many of changesets but all of those are basically same as the one Iām attaching.

Former user December 20, 2019 at 3:18 PM
Could you please add a complete changelog?
Liquibase initialization process fails every time when warming up. It looks like the problem is in the parsing of custom properties.
We defined properties in this way:
and use as datatype like below:
Exception stack trace
This kind of problem is reproducible for us after migration from 3.5.5 (managed by Spring 2.0.9) to version at least 3.7.0