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Liquibase.bat does not recognize multiple jars when placed in LIQUIBASE_HOME\lib. It only takes the one jar file.
Reason :The below 2 lines in liquibase.bat does not set the classpath correctly.
for /R %LIQUIBASE_HOME% %%f in (liquibase*.jar) do set CP=%CP%;%%ffor /R %LIQUIBASE_HOME%\lib %%f in (*.jar) do set CP=%CP%;%%f
The correct way of defining these 2 lines should be :setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSIONfor /R %LIQUIBASE_HOME% %%f in (liquibase*.jar) do set CP=
;%%ffor /R %LIQUIBASE_HOME%\lib %%f in (*.jar) do set CP=
Windows 2003 R2
duplicate of a recently closed bug
Liquibase.bat does not recognize multiple jars when placed in LIQUIBASE_HOME\lib. It only takes the one jar file.
Reason :
The below 2 lines in liquibase.bat does not set the classpath correctly.
for /R %LIQUIBASE_HOME% %%f in (liquibase*.jar) do set CP=%CP%;%%f
for /R %LIQUIBASE_HOME%\lib %%f in (*.jar) do set CP=%CP%;%%f
The correct way of defining these 2 lines should be :
for /R %LIQUIBASE_HOME% %%f in (liquibase*.jar) do set CP=
for /R %LIQUIBASE_HOME%\lib %%f in (*.jar) do set CP=