- Database.escapeStringForDatabase for mySQL does not workCORE-1212Resolved issue: CORE-1212
- Checksum fails when escaping charactersCORE-973Resolved issue: CORE-973
- Documentation is incorrect regarding onSqlOutput attributeCORE-907
- addDefaultValue generates erronoeus SQLCORE-846
- GenerateChangeLog fails on escaped lowercase identifierCORE-813Resolved issue: CORE-813
- The dbchangelog-1.9.xsd file appears to be unavailableCORE-811Resolved issue: CORE-811
- To add support to setup jdbc connection propertiesCORE-805Resolved issue: CORE-805Sviatoslav Abramenkov
- foreignKeyConstraintExists fails on MySQLCORE-792Resolved issue: CORE-792Don Smith
- Use server id to reference connection credentials in Maven pluginCORE-784Resolved issue: CORE-784
- [Derby] When executing a changeset containing insert statements derby throws exceptions when inserting numeric valuesCORE-780Resolved issue: CORE-780
- [Derby] When apllying a changeset containing columns of type "BIT" to a derby database I get unsupported type exceptionsCORE-779Resolved issue: CORE-779
- validCheckSums is missing from dbchangelog-1.9.xsd as valid child element of changeSetCORE-773Resolved issue: CORE-773
- Can't create an unsigned intCORE-766Resolved issue: CORE-766
- foreignKeyConstraintExists preCondition is too slowCORE-752Resolved issue: CORE-752Don Smith
- Inconsistent treatment of table name case-sensitivity in PostgreSQLCORE-749Resolved issue: CORE-749Don Smith
- dbchangelog-1.9.xsd at is out-of-dateCORE-748Resolved issue: CORE-748
- Add existing column-comments to the table description in the generated documentation.CORE-734
- columnExists precondition is too slowCORE-718Resolved issue: CORE-718Don Smith
- viewExists preCondition is too slowCORE-717Resolved issue: CORE-717Don Smith
- ChangeSet runOnChange="true" and status commandCORE-714Resolved issue: CORE-714
- The ChangeSet filename shouldn't be part of the changetset uniqueness criteriaCORE-713Resolved issue: CORE-713
- Multiple changeSet context values are not properly recognizedCORE-709Resolved issue: CORE-709
- tableExists preCondition is too slowCORE-708Resolved issue: CORE-708Don Smith
- updateSQL fails due to ChangeSetExecutedPrecondition failing if databasechangelog table doesn't exist (empty database)CORE-707Resolved issue: CORE-707Don Smith
- drop index assumes schema of table but need to override the schema of the index.CORE-705Resolved issue: CORE-705
- Remarks not supported for PostgreSQLCORE-703Resolved issue: CORE-703Don Smith
- Statement delimiter for Sybase should be GO but not semicolonCORE-698Resolved issue: CORE-698
- Cannot identify Sybase database when using JTDSCORE-697Resolved issue: CORE-697
- Using quick start instructions fails in DB2 because default is "active SMALLINT DEFAULT '1'" when it should be "active SMALLINT DEFAULT 1" remove single quotes around 1CORE-696Resolved issue: CORE-696
- dropAll doesn't disable foreign keys check in mysql, so it fails to drop all tables in databaseCORE-675Resolved issue: CORE-675
- Allow rollback by context onlyCORE-673
- CustomChange and CustomPrecondition parameters are mixed when the two are used in same ChangeLogCORE-655Resolved issue: CORE-655Nathan Voxland
- <sqlFile ... stripComments="true"/> will strip the next line if a comment is just "--\n"CORE-654Resolved issue: CORE-654
- diffChangeLog from hibernate-annotations to database-schema => FK's are being recreatedCORE-639
- Maven plugin does not support custom database classCORE-633Resolved issue: CORE-633
- rollbackToDate and rollbackCount not clearing DATABASECHANGELOG tableCORE-631Resolved issue: CORE-631
- dropAll and oracleCORE-630Resolved issue: CORE-630
- Hibernate and DiffCORE-627Resolved issue: CORE-627
- AddColumn does not appear to add unique constraintsCORE-610Resolved issue: CORE-610Nathan Voxland
- GenerateChangeLog fails on PostgreSQL with multiple schemasCORE-592Resolved issue: CORE-592Don Smith
- Parameter -currentDateTimeFunction cannot work in command line modeCORE-588Resolved issue: CORE-588
- Extraneous log messages from Postgres JDBC driverCORE-587Resolved issue: CORE-587Don Smith
- includeAll tag alphabetical order problemCORE-586Nathan Voxland
- Incorrect generateLog generation when specified "unsigned" and type parametersCORE-578
- Diff#setDiffTypes(String) Does Always Sets diffForeignKeys, diffPrimaryKeys, and diffUniqueConstraints to falseCORE-569Resolved issue: CORE-569
- createTable does not work with references when using a schemaCORE-564Resolved issue: CORE-564Nathan Voxland
- Capability to install liquibase as a standard RedHat packageCORE-552Resolved issue: CORE-552
- GenerateChangeLog produces incorrect foreign key creation elements when there are multiple FK references to the same field.CORE-541Resolved issue: CORE-541Joan Pujol Espinar
- dropAll fails in postgres when attempting to drop a dependent viewCORE-540
- Incorrect detecting SybaseASADatabaseCORE-535Resolved issue: CORE-535Nathan Voxland
50 of 62
Under mysql, the antislash is an escaping char (
So this test should pass and currently fails :
For now, I'm stuck with 1.9.5 and I did not find any workaround.
If you have one, thanks to share !