- SQL Comments are included in checksum calculationCORE-2769
- Poor runtime performanceCORE-2533Resolved issue: CORE-2533
- addPrimaryKey and addUniqueConstraint not supported with SQLiteCORE-2465Resolved issue: CORE-2465
- endDelimiter splitting does not work in plain SQL files (regression)CORE-2446Resolved issue: CORE-2446
- generateChangeLog uses native datatypes from DBCORE-2420
- liquibase.exception.ServiceNotFoundException: Could not find implementation of liquibase.logging.LoggerCORE-2403Resolved issue: CORE-2403
- loadUpdateData ignores schemaName attributeCORE-2396
- Make Database interface or AbstractJdbcDatabase class extend CloseableCORE-2392
- column type doesn't respect unsignedCORE-2391Resolved issue: CORE-2391
- NullPointerException when generating changelogCORE-2390Resolved issue: CORE-2390
- Views not equal in different schemasCORE-2388Resolved issue: CORE-2388
- dropPrimaryKey without constraint name on sql server doesn't query schema correctlyCORE-2387Resolved issue: CORE-2387
- Derby - Wrong generated SQL syntaxCORE-2384
- Change formatted SQL stripComments default from "true" to "false"CORE-2383
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