- Support defining createProcedure body in an external fileCORE-1618Resolved issue: CORE-1618
- dropProcedure changeCORE-1617Resolved issue: CORE-1617
- Parent/child changeSet managementCORE-1613
- Ability to control objects included in dbdocCORE-1535
- Unicode string escaping in MSSQLCORE-1526Resolved issue: CORE-1526
- Maven plugin fails to configure parameters within property file with trailing spaces, error message misleadingCORE-1510Resolved issue: CORE-1510
- Maven support for futureRollbackSqlCORE-1458Resolved issue: CORE-1458
- Update DBDoc stylesheet and support custom stylesCORE-1457
- Status command should handle changing checksum versions betterCORE-1435
- Support changeset comments in formatted SQLCORE-1422Resolved issue: CORE-1422
- CSV data load has some problem to insert data into postgres databaseCORE-1334Resolved issue: CORE-1334
- loadUpdateData: Null primary key values generates duplicatesCORE-1280
- loadUpdateData is opening the data file even though the changeset has already run previouslyCORE-1249
- Wrong regular expression in databaseChangelog XML SchemaCORE-1222Resolved issue: CORE-1222
- loadUpdateData support for HSQLDB 2.2+CORE-1100Resolved issue: CORE-1100
- GenerateChangeLog with data: java heap space errorCORE-976Resolved issue: CORE-976Nathan Voxland
- Liquibase replaces semi-colon with a GO when writing out SQL in updateSQL mode for MSSQLCORE-948
- Properties in preconditionsCORE-939Resolved issue: CORE-939
- Database tagging via antCORE-938Resolved issue: CORE-938
- Ant task do not respect ant basedirCORE-937Resolved issue: CORE-937
- ignores foreign key constraint name on InformixCORE-933Resolved issue: CORE-933
- column remarks not escaped on oracleCORE-903Resolved issue: CORE-903
- Unable to create changelog tables in DB2i (since moving to 2.0)CORE-868Resolved issue: CORE-868
- generateChangeLog memory optimizationCORE-850
- generateChangeLog forgets to create defaultValueDateCORE-849
- Integer with range limitations handled incorrectly on OracleCORE-844Resolved issue: CORE-844Nathan Voxland
- Add an option to make the tableExists preConditions convert the tableName to lowercase.CORE-841Resolved issue: CORE-841
- Ant diff task doesnt close connection to referenced databaseCORE-839Resolved issue: CORE-839
- Cannot connect with a encrypted H2 databaseCORE-838Resolved issue: CORE-838
- Incorrectly parsed options which values ends by character '='CORE-836Resolved issue: CORE-836
- ClassCastException in PostgresDatabaseSnapshotGeneratorCORE-835Resolved issue: CORE-835Nathan Voxland
- liquibase-maven-plugin: password and username is null during update task executionCORE-834Resolved issue: CORE-834Nathan Voxland
- Not precondition failedCORE-833Resolved issue: CORE-833
- No tags documentationCORE-832Resolved issue: CORE-832
- diffChangeLog: dropUniqueContraint statements should be generated before createUniqueConstraintCORE-831Resolved issue: CORE-831
- diffChangelog does not consider index field orderCORE-830Resolved issue: CORE-830Nathan Voxland
- diffChangeLog does not evaluate value of option classpath from properties fileCORE-827Resolved issue: CORE-827
- Improvements to Maven Plugin to make it more MavenyCORE-826Resolved issue: CORE-826Nathan Voxland
- When Column Remarks Contain An Apostrophe, It Results in a SQL command not propertly ended in OracleCORE-825Resolved issue: CORE-825
- Wrong file encoding when appending changesets with diffChangeLogCORE-824Resolved issue: CORE-824
- Escaping Postgres Database Objects based on caseCORE-823Resolved issue: CORE-823
- ClassCastException (cast java.util.Date to java.sql.Date) in UpdateGeneratorCORE-821Resolved issue: CORE-821
- include begin/commit transaction in updateSQLCORE-820
- Inoperable column type definition java.sql.Types.NUMERIC(accuracy) and threw UnexpectedLiquibaseException exception.CORE-819Resolved issue: CORE-819
- Can't create ChangeLogTable and ChangeLogLockTable if they are in a different schemaCORE-818Resolved issue: CORE-818
- Classloader issues on GlassfishCORE-814Resolved issue: CORE-814
- GenerateChangeLog fails on escaped lowercase identifierCORE-813Resolved issue: CORE-813
- precondition with onfail=continue acts as if the changeset has runCORE-810Resolved issue: CORE-810
- XMLChangeLogSerializer does not serialize a column's defaultValueComputedCORE-809Resolved issue: CORE-809
- Should duplicate index checking reorder columns?CORE-808Resolved issue: CORE-808
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