- Unknown host exception on OS RHEL 6.5CORE-2344Resolved issue: CORE-2344
- Oracle snapshot performance issue with many multiple viewsCORE-2281Resolved issue: CORE-2281
- InvalidExampleException on liquibase:updateCORE-2197
- Allow multi-line rollback statements in formatted sql changefile.CORE-2193
- offline mode seems non-deterministicCORE-2169Resolved issue: CORE-2169
- Resource loader can't load changelog fileCORE-2156Resolved issue: CORE-2156
- building duplicates changelogsCORE-2112
- addColumn with afterColumn on Informix doesn't workCORE-2078
- property tag does not seem to be respecting the context attributeCORE-2053Resolved issue: CORE-2053
- exec-maven-plugin on liquibase.integration.commandline.Main stops whole projectCORE-2047
- constraints tag is missing referencedTableSchemaNameCORE-1985Resolved issue: CORE-1985
- Parameters set in included file are no longer set in 3.2.0CORE-1981Resolved issue: CORE-1981
- Lock database commandCORE-1980
- Update of database failsCORE-1978Resolved issue: CORE-1978
- CreateSequence with cacheSize=0 failing on OracleCORE-1977Resolved issue: CORE-1977
- SpringLiquibase.setDropFirst set to true throws an exception on a blank databaseCORE-1973Resolved issue: CORE-1973
- Informix view snapshot performanceCORE-1972
- dropAll deletes only tables in default schemaCORE-1971
- NullPointerException on rollback with <sqlFile> tagCORE-1970Resolved issue: CORE-1970
- Support for AND/OR context expressions in formatted sqlCORE-1969Resolved issue: CORE-1969
- Reject invalid ParsedNode instances when loading them into Liquibase objectsCORE-1968
- includeAll uses full file path for sql changelogsCORE-1967Resolved issue: CORE-1967
- Invalid object name 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SEQUENCES' when running generateChangeLog with SQL AzureCORE-1966Resolved issue: CORE-1966
- diffChangeLog creates invalid changeTableCORE-1964
- Ability to define full CREATE VIEW statement in <createView> change.CORE-1963Resolved issue: CORE-1963
- diffChangeLog generates illformed XMLCORE-1962
- "Could not find implementation of liquibase.logging.Logger" starts appearing after migration from 3.1.1 to 3.2.0CORE-1960Resolved issue: CORE-1960
- generateChangeLog without changeLogFile - better error messageCORE-1959Resolved issue: CORE-1959
- Column type of "TIMESTAMP(6)" under MySql converted to TIMESTAMP dropping fractional secondsCORE-1958Resolved issue: CORE-1958
- Using VARCHAR2 column type fails for Hsqldb running in oracle syntax modeCORE-1957Resolved issue: CORE-1957
- Double and float converted to FLOAT8(*, 17) and FLOAT4(*, 8) in PostgreSQLCORE-1956Resolved issue: CORE-1956
- sqlCheck precondition fails with ORA-00911: invalid character fails with trailing characters after semicolonCORE-1955
- createSequence wraps with commas the name of the sequence: public."sequenceName"CORE-1953Resolved issue: CORE-1953
- liquibase loadData does not properly load numeric field in boolean always as falseCORE-1952Resolved issue: CORE-1952
- Regression on 3.2.0 : --diffTypes=data generates Unknown Reason ExceptionCORE-1951Resolved issue: CORE-1951
- Checksum validation failed after Liquibase upgrade (3.1.1 -> 3.2.0)CORE-1950Resolved issue: CORE-1950
- Cannot migrate multiple times using one Liquibase instanceCORE-1948
- Liquibase dependency to jetty-servlet/velocity should be <optional>true</optional>CORE-1947Resolved issue: CORE-1947
- Have a rpm package for liquibase (built with maven)CORE-1946Resolved issue: CORE-1946
- Add changelog parameters support to formattedsql preconditionsCORE-1945
- NullPointerException when tagging through Ant before applying changesetsCORE-1944Resolved issue: CORE-1944
- Handle Error: InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName() UnknownHostException results in NoClassDefFoundErrorCORE-1943Resolved issue: CORE-1943
- Support for changeSet "labels"CORE-1942Resolved issue: CORE-1942
- Maximum Oracle Sequence fails to be parsed as a BigIntegerCORE-1940Resolved issue: CORE-1940
- defaultValueNumeric="0" or defaultValue="0" is translated to 0.0CORE-1938Resolved issue: CORE-1938
- Oracle Float and VARCHAR precisions in changelog generated by generateChangeLog are incorrectCORE-1937Resolved issue: CORE-1937
- NullPointerException while diffing database against hibernate.cfg.xmlCORE-1936Resolved issue: CORE-1936
- Formatted SQL generateChangeLog failedCORE-1935Resolved issue: CORE-1935
- file path in databasechangelog is absoulte since liquibase 3.2.0 when using includeAll inside a jarCORE-1934Resolved issue: CORE-1934
- [3.0.8 -> 3.2.0] pom.xml: 2Mb of superfluous dependenciesCORE-1933Resolved issue: CORE-1933
50 of 72
Liquibase seems to resolve the server host name against the machine hostname rather than 'localhost'. The problem is that, on the RHEL machine we've got, the hostname is not bound to localhost thus throwing an UnknownHostException during the static initialization of `LockDatabaseChangeLogGenerator`.
You can see the logs below:
Until I bind "160.RH6.5" to localhost (via /etc/hosts), Liquibase will crash, preventing our installed app from starting. It should have resolved "localhost" instead.
I did not try newer versions of Liquibase given this part (LockDatabaseChangeLogGenerator + NetUtil) has not changed much.