- Hitting Conversion Issue When Varbinary and DateTime2 Data Type been Used in the same ChangeSetCORE-3582
- loadData fails for Postgres when column is of an enum type.CORE-3576
- alterSequence - incrementBy is not allowed on h2CORE-3416
- YamlChangeLogParser does not release changelog fileCORE-3367Resolved issue: CORE-3367
- Liquibase is reporting false duplicate changesetsCORE-3308
- Better error message (on yaml parse error?) / java.lang.NullPointerExceptionCORE-3289
- Errors updating with dates created by generateChangeLogCORE-3143
- YAML config timestamp default & to update without specifiedCORE-3111
- Extract YAML file parsing as a public method in YamlChangeLogParser and YamlSnapshotParserCORE-3083
- More Suggestive Message for 'PreConditions sqlCheck'CORE-3060
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on trivial plpgsql block using sqlFileCORE-3047
- Liquibase does not close inputstream when parsing yaml filesCORE-2943
- dbms in preConditions yaml changelog causes parsing errorCORE-2765Resolved issue: CORE-2765
- createChangeLog has incorrect nesting of constraints in YAML formatCORE-2664Resolved issue: CORE-2664
- preConditions, rollback, property, include, includeAll cannot be serializedCORE-2361Resolved issue: CORE-2361
- loadData fails with quoted string containing a commaCORE-2333Resolved issue: CORE-2333
- YamlChangeLogSerializer creates the wrong yaml format for ConstraintsConfigCORE-2277Resolved issue: CORE-2277
- YamlChangeLogSerializer does not correctly serialize a changesetCORE-2237Resolved issue: CORE-2237
- Support .yml extension in YamlChangeLogSerializerCORE-2236Resolved issue: CORE-2236
- java.lang.NullPointerException when file is emptyCORE-2210Resolved issue: CORE-2210
- Property wrong expansionCORE-2188
- NPE with bad nameCORE-2180Resolved issue: CORE-2180
- More YAML examples of changeSetCORE-1850
- createSequence with parameters fails with yaml changelogCORE-1806
- defaultValue isn't respected when YAML format is usedCORE-1789
- Cannot import csv with YAMLCORE-1322Resolved issue: CORE-1322
- Cannot include YAML fileCORE-1320Resolved issue: CORE-1320
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