- To add support to setup jdbc connection propertiesCORE-805Resolved issue: CORE-805Sviatoslav Abramenkov
- Use server id to reference connection credentials in Maven pluginCORE-784Resolved issue: CORE-784
- modifyColumn does not create a not null restrictionCORE-719Resolved issue: CORE-719
- Issue with checking for database lock when two processes are started at the same timeCORE-632Resolved issue: CORE-632Nathan Voxland
- Unable to rollback by tag using mavenCORE-589Resolved issue: CORE-589Joan Pujol Espinar
- UpdateSQL needs to append a "/" to the end of createProcedure for OracleCORE-573Resolved issue: CORE-573
- Liquibase.bat : Incorrect classpath logicCORE-555Resolved issue: CORE-555Sukrit Khera
- Sybase ASE 15 database not being identified correctlyCORE-537Resolved issue: CORE-537
- Postgre support does not handle reserved words correctly (e.g. call-limit)CORE-519Resolved issue: CORE-519Nathan Voxland
- Support diff and generate changelog operations from maven plugin.CORE-516Resolved issue: CORE-516
- Disable foreign key checks insted of dropping all foreign keys before dropping all database objectsCORE-498Resolved issue: CORE-498
- Add ability to move changeSets from one databaseChangeLog file to anotherCORE-497Resolved issue: CORE-497
- Implement maven Map syntax for changeLogParameters configuratonCORE-496Resolved issue: CORE-496Nathan Voxland
- Add maven plugin configuration parameter for skipping running liquibaseCORE-495Resolved issue: CORE-495Nathan Voxland
- Add possibility for the maven test output directory to be included in the class loader for obtaining the Liquibase property and DatabaseChangeLog files.CORE-494Resolved issue: CORE-494
- Change Log Properties not working on command line in 1.9.4CORE-468Resolved issue: CORE-468
- Problems with rollback on sqlFile changesCORE-465Resolved issue: CORE-465Nathan Voxland
- SQLAnywhere rename column fails (syntax error)CORE-463Resolved issue: CORE-463
- updateSQL does not like tableExists pre-condition IF the MySQL database contains a ViewCORE-462Resolved issue: CORE-462Nathan Voxland
- Wrong datatypes for timestamps generated with generateChangeLogCORE-461Resolved issue: CORE-461
- bogus version number of maven pluginCORE-460Resolved issue: CORE-460
- Version 1.9.4 is missing a version tag in SCMCORE-459Resolved issue: CORE-459
- The append content of the modifySql element is also appended to the rollback of the change setCORE-457Resolved issue: CORE-457Nathan Voxland
- createIndex refactoring does not create index in specified schema for DB2 dialectCORE-456Resolved issue: CORE-456
- Liquibase converts TIMESTAMP to DATETIME on MySQLCORE-450Resolved issue: CORE-450
- Add defaultSchema parameter to Servlet Listener because of bug with DB2 database if currentSchema connection parameter is setCORE-448Resolved issue: CORE-448
- Strip Comments from SQL changeset is not working properlyCORE-447Resolved issue: CORE-447
- Bug in renameColumn in 1.9.4CORE-442Resolved issue: CORE-442Nathan Voxland
- MSSQL Server supports only <CR><LF> (\r\n) as end line delimitersCORE-426Resolved issue: CORE-426
- Liquibase cannot remove changeset from log table if logical or physical path name contains DOS-style path delimitersCORE-425Resolved issue: CORE-425
- Add remarks support to addColumnCORE-420Resolved issue: CORE-420
- Allowing ASC and DESC in index definitionsCORE-419Resolved issue: CORE-419
- onError/onFail preconditions flag not checked for changelog-wide preconditionsCORE-418Resolved issue: CORE-418Nathan Voxland
- renameColumn is escaping the new column nameCORE-417Resolved issue: CORE-417
- Column escaping incorrect for sybaseCORE-414Resolved issue: CORE-414Nathan Voxland
- Sybase should return "Numeric" for "int"CORE-413Resolved issue: CORE-413Nathan Voxland
- Liquibase maven Plugin throws NullPointerException when calling update goalCORE-412Resolved issue: CORE-412
- Javascript Error in generated dbDocs due to double quotes.CORE-410Resolved issue: CORE-410Ryan Connolly
- sqlFile endDelimeter="" does not workCORE-408Resolved issue: CORE-408
- Custom Changelog table name not used in older mysql databases (patch attached)CORE-404Resolved issue: CORE-404Nathan Voxland
- ModifyColumn Tag is broken (patch attached)CORE-403Resolved issue: CORE-403Nathan Voxland
- liquibase-hibernate integration is not practicalCORE-395Resolved issue: CORE-395
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