- PostgreSQL primary key with autoIncrement causes "ERROR: both default and identity specified for column"CORE-3595
- ALLOCATE support for variable fields (NVARCHAR...)CORE-3581
- sysproc.env_get_inst_info() does not existCORE-3580
- After migrating Java liquibase-core library from 3.6.3 to 3.7.0 the XML starts generating invalid table schema for SERIAL type in PSQLCORE-3577
- Update snowflake extension to work with Liquibase 3.8.x+CORE-3574
- Primary key of type int does not have `NUMBER generated as identity` and has not sequence created on Oracle12CORE-3553
- Postgres bigserial silently converted to bigintCORE-3547
- Custom property in liquibase (after migration to newer version) causes failure in Spring bootCORE-3546
- Liquibase 3.6.3 -> 3.7.0 Regression on INDENTITY column data type changeCORE-3496
- bigserial columns not created as auto-incrementCORE-3494
- Liquibase 3.7.0 generates wrong “createTable” SQL statement missing “GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY” for the column with autoIncrementCORE-3487
- Incorrect primary key type for BIGSERIALCORE-3483
- CSV loadUpdateData fails if column names are separated by spacesCORE-3482
- StandardLockService keeps talbe locked when "listLocks" is calledCORE-3476
- change in primary key behaviourCORE-3473
- DbChangelog xsd file > 3.6 is not availableCORE-3472
- Regression in postgresql create views caused by
- Oracle DB generateChangeLog does not respect foreign key definition orderCORE-3464
- New constraint attributes break the Liquibase Groovy DSLCORE-3463
- CommandLineTool.generateChangelog() hangs (MySQL)CORE-3461
- updateTestingRollback finished succesfully, but rollback failsCORE-3460
- ChangeLogParseException with Spring BootCORE-3459
- Liquibase produces wrong sql for column type of "BIGINT GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY"CORE-3458
- dropAllForeignKeyConstraints not supported by MariaDBCORE-3457
- Multiple inserts inside single changeset only insert last record in mariaDBCORE-3456
- PostgreSQL 'bigserial' type is generated as 'bigint' on createTableCORE-3450Resolved issue: CORE-3450
- ClassNotFoundException: org.hibernate.boot.jaxb.hbm.spi.package-infoCORE-3446
- Add way to change Liquibase loglevel from Ant integrationCORE-3441
- Provide R2DBC-based ExecutorCORE-3419
- Make opencsv shaded dependency rather then copied codeCORE-3312
- ShouldRunChangeSetFilter initialization behavior update from 3.5.0 breaks custom taskCORE-3299
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