- PostgreSQL primary key with autoIncrement causes "ERROR: both default and identity specified for column"CORE-3595
- InvalidModuleDescriptorException since 3.8.1CORE-3593
- Unsigned Smallint cannot be createdCORE-3586
- CSV loadUpdateData fails because a space exists between column valuesCORE-3585
- After migrating Java liquibase-core library from 3.6.3 to 3.7.0 the XML starts generating invalid table schema for SERIAL type in PSQLCORE-3577
- Liquibase >= 3.8.1 causes JVM EXIT when attempting to use structured loggingCORE-3565
- createSequence does not work with PostgreSQL below 9.5CORE-3561
- Java module not found liquibase.core since version 3.8.1CORE-3551
- includeAll does not work with java 9+ and multi-module projects.CORE-3550
- Postgres bigserial silently converted to bigintCORE-3547
- Passing changelog params in CLI doesn't override paramsCORE-3545
- Changelog parameters cannot be overridden in the parameters block in Formatted SQLCORE-3544
- Liquibase-core-3.8.2 includes service definition for com.fasterxml.jackson.module.jaxb.JaxbAnnotationModuleCORE-3542
- Sql wrong lexical analysis for string literals - escaped single quotes are misparsedCORE-3541
- LiquibaseServletListener.contextInitialized() should not shut Embedded Derby downCORE-3540
- H2 and quoted table name -> primary key not foundCORE-3538
- Obfuscated pro classes in liquibase-core cause problems on Java 11CORE-3537
- Missing support for MariaDB sequencesCORE-3536
- catlogName is not allowed on mssqlCORE-3535
- dbchangelog-3.7.xsd and dbchangelog-3.8.xsd: "validateForeignKey " contains extra spaceCORE-3534
- Validation Results Not Output to CLICORE-3530
- Parameters ignored in formatted sql file changelog id'sCORE-3529
- Is this a bug?CORE-3528
- Updating from 3.0.8 to 3.8.2 breaksCORE-3527
- TABLE is a reserved keyword in H2database since 1.4.197CORE-3526
- Add support for java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONECORE-3525
- Auto-increment silently fails on Oracle when generationType omittedCORE-3524
- Integer types generated for Oracle are inconsistentCORE-3523
- liquibase-core.jar contains ServiceLoader filesCORE-3522Resolved issue: CORE-3522
- No boolean definition in Firebird 2.5 – Liquibase can‘t create the DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK tableCORE-3521
- GenerationType for Postgres auto-increment column is always BY DEFAULTCORE-3520
- ordering of changeSets in diffChangeLogCORE-3519
- Incorrent changelog generated PGSQLCORE-3518
- MySQL - setting remarks on a column generates sql for comments on the whole tableCORE-3516
- ModifyDataType generates bad practice SQL for Postgres databaseCORE-3515
- Migrating to Liquibase 3.8, Liquibase tries to execute all the already ran ChangeSets whose runOnChange attribute is set to true.CORE-3514
- liquibase-3.8.1-bin.* files not available on GithubCORE-3513
- Column modification truncatedCORE-3512
- liquibase-core 3.8.1 MANIFEST.MF lacks OSGi headersCORE-3511
- Generate update sql error?CORE-3509
- maven plugin fails with "required class missing" errorsCORE-3508Resolved issue: CORE-3508
- liquibase linux removes comments from formatted SQL changelogs despite stripComments:falseCORE-3506
- diffChangeLog against two simple schemas drops non-existing foreign key, resulting in errorCORE-3505
- CDI classes released in liquibase-coreCORE-3503
- Liquibase 3.7.0 generates wrong “createTable” SQL statement missing “GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY” for the column with autoIncrementCORE-3487
- Argument "-Dpath" is expanded with the PATH of the environmentCORE-3469
46 of 46
When upgrading liquibase from 3.6.2 to any version 3.7.0 or higher, our migration scripts that used to work, now cause errors in postgres:
The previously working changeset looks like this:
I suspect the regression to come from the following PR:
Is this combination of primary key and autoincrement no longer supported?
I tried to find an upgrade guide for 3.7.0, but it seems these are no longer being created since 3.4 (last available is