- generateChangelog produces incorrect values for binary type (MSSQL)CORE-3592
- H2 and quoted table name -> primary key not foundCORE-3538
- Postgres and uppercase schema names -> no tables in snapshotCORE-3504
- Invalid XML character during changelog snapshotCORE-3432
- Diff does not detect differences with partitioned tableCORE-3300
- ShouldRunChangeSetFilter initialization behavior update from 3.5.0 breaks custom taskCORE-3299
- Diff doesn't show differences in stored procedures and functionsCORE-3244
- GenerateChangeLog does not create AddPrimaryKey changesetsCORE-3207
- Check for Precondition fails in ORACLE if second user/schema exists with same name in lower caseCORE-3158
- Different behavior for changeset using Liquibase syntax or SQL for table creationCORE-3133
- Make includeObjects and excludeObjects affect which objects are snapshottedCORE-3079Resolved issue: CORE-3079
- Diff process fails after the second time.CORE-2986
- Use the clustered index if duplicate indexes are definedCORE-2952Resolved issue: CORE-2952
- Found a null snapshotId for null when createsIndexesForForeignKeysCORE-2917
- diff and generateChangeLog results are incorrect when a view causes an error on MySQLCORE-2861
- MySql BIT(1) defaultValue not snapshotted as BooleanCORE-2831Resolved issue: CORE-2831
- diff fails with NullPointerExceptionCORE-2731Resolved issue: CORE-2731
- runOnChange change set runs every time even if there wasn't changedCORE-2641Resolved issue: CORE-2641
- Postgresql: indexes are not exported correctly when functions like lower(column) are usedCORE-2618
- StackOverflowError generating snapshotCORE-2602Resolved issue: CORE-2602
- generateChangelog produces incorrect values for binary typeCORE-2599Resolved issue: CORE-2599
- Diff - Missing / unexpected schemasCORE-2597
- java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to liquibase.structure.core.TableCORE-2551Resolved issue: CORE-2551
- Oracle 12: TIMESTAMP(3) not handledCORE-2526Resolved issue: CORE-2526
- includeObjects/excludeObjects not work for UniqueConstraintCORE-2456Resolved issue: CORE-2456
- java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to liquibase.structure.core.ColumnCORE-2430Resolved issue: CORE-2430
- Consistently read dataTypeId for all databasesCORE-2359Resolved issue: CORE-2359
- Liquibase fails to create a snapshot for a view that is not in the current user's schemaCORE-2314
- diffChangeLog will not generate indexes from hbm filesCORE-2294Resolved issue: CORE-2294
- Index Snapshot - doesn't include upper cased name indexes when db is NOT case sensitiveCORE-2263Resolved issue: CORE-2263
- Ability to use a previously saved database snapshot in diff and generateChangeLogCORE-2257Resolved issue: CORE-2257
- Ability to save snapshot for later comparisonCORE-2254Resolved issue: CORE-2254
- Index uniqueness is not always recognized correctlyCORE-2224Resolved issue: CORE-2224
- Oracle columns of type ANYDATA are snapshotted with a sizeCORE-2026Resolved issue: CORE-2026
- Oracle data type SDO_GEOMETRY snapshotted as SDO_GEOMETRY(1)CORE-2010Resolved issue: CORE-2010
- Preserve inline comments in view snapshots in mssqlCORE-1990Resolved issue: CORE-1990
- "mvn liquibase:diff" does not find any differences between databasesCORE-1987Resolved issue: CORE-1987
- NullPointerException while diffing database against hibernate.cfg.xmlCORE-1936Resolved issue: CORE-1936
- diffDatabaseToChangeLog / updateDatabase tries to update table in Reference databaseCORE-1902
- diffDatabaseToChangeLog creates invalid xml filesCORE-1900
- Foreign Key Constraints Built on Unique Constraints are not captured in generateChangeLogCORE-1817Resolved issue: CORE-1817
- Serialize changelogs as formatted sqlCORE-1796
- User Defined Types Come back with Unnecessary Size specifier in diffCORE-1779Resolved issue: CORE-1779
- Schema Comparison LogicCORE-1777
- Snapshot VARCHAR(MAX) correctly on sqlserverCORE-1743Resolved issue: CORE-1743
- Data in diffChangeLog coming through as one row per changeSetCORE-1733Resolved issue: CORE-1733
- Handle object comments/remarks in diffChangeLog and generateChangeLogCORE-1732
- Length of Keys is not generated by generateChangeLogCORE-1649
- SnapshotGenerator extension system does not allow replacement of generatorsCORE-1638Resolved issue: CORE-1638
- Snapshots do not order objects alphabeticallyCORE-1500Resolved issue: CORE-1500
50 of 143
generateChangelog produces incorrect values for binary type (MSSQL)
Liquibase Version: 3.8.6
Stanislav B.
Stanislav B.Components
Affects versions
Created February 19, 2020 at 3:03 PM
Updated November 24, 2021 at 8:47 AM
Abhishek Sharma November 24, 2021 at 8:47 AM
This issue is still persistent with the current release of Liquibase. We are still seeing “UNSUPPORTED FOR DIFF: BINARY DATA” error when dealing with binary data. Could you please let us know when this issue will be fixed?
The result of command execution "generateChangeLog" produces a changeset insert with valueComputed="UNSUPPORTED FOR DIFF: BINARY DATA".
Replication steps:
Liquibase Version: 3.8.6 (not available in selection list)
Source DB: SQL Server 14.0
Source Table Column Type: BINARY(32)
Command: generateChangeLog
Reproduction examples are attached.