- Liquibase checksum error after upgrading from version 3.1.1 to 3.4.1CORE-2748Resolved issue: CORE-2748
- Add support for index compressionCORE-2570
- dropFirst does not drop objects in not default schemas on Postgres 9+ using sql format with multiple schemasCORE-2474Resolved issue: CORE-2474
- Index.toString() contains "unique" if and only if index is NOT uniqueCORE-2437Resolved issue: CORE-2437
- CLONE - generateChangeLog creates DOUBLE(22) instead of double in MySqlCORE-2414Resolved issue: CORE-2414
- UPDATE SQL WHERE clause removes backslash "\" characters from changeset authorCORE-2382
- Using replaceIfExists with <createView> generates DROP statementsCORE-2377Resolved issue: CORE-2377
- PrimaryKeyExists precondition fails on OracleCORE-2350
- XMLChangeLogSerializer writes array object for rollback tag contentCORE-2252Resolved issue: CORE-2252
- changeLog inheritance checksum failedCORE-2247Resolved issue: CORE-2247
- Support priority-based selection of Precondition implementationCORE-2235Resolved issue: CORE-2235
- columnExists precondition could be much faster (Oracle, mssql)CORE-2234Resolved issue: CORE-2234
- Support schema other than public on PostgreSQLCORE-2232Resolved issue: CORE-2232
- TIMESTAMP parameters dropped for PostgreSQLCORE-2222Resolved issue: CORE-2222
- When inserting string value starting and ending with apostrophes (quotes) the value is not quoted in the generated SQLCORE-2214Resolved issue: CORE-2214
- Liquibase XSD prevents custom schema to be fully validatedCORE-2205Resolved issue: CORE-2205
- valueBoolean not working for H2 with addColumn in XMLCORE-2151Resolved issue: CORE-2151
- handling dependencies and WAR as classpathCORE-2141Resolved issue: CORE-2141
- Checksum Calculation of <where> content is not whitespace agnosticCORE-2129
- ConcurrentModificationException iterating over System.getProperties().entrySet()CORE-2104Resolved issue: CORE-2104
- Column snapshot on PostgreSQL does not include precision information for numeric data typeCORE-2082Resolved issue: CORE-2082
- Allow CheckSum calculations for CustomChangesCORE-2079
- Slow sequenceExists performance on OracleCORE-2071
- escapeObjectName has no respect for quotingStrategy QUOTE_ONLY_RESERVED_WORDS on PostgresCORE-2059Resolved issue: CORE-2059
- Bug in comment strip with SQL changesetsCORE-2057
- No complex WHERE clause possibleCORE-2050
- Invalid SQL in WHERE clause in UPDATE TABLECORE-2049
- tableExists precondition sometimes does not work on OracleCORE-2048Resolved issue: CORE-2048
- exec-maven-plugin on liquibase.integration.commandline.Main stops whole projectCORE-2047
- runAlways change set that is already run and has onSqlOutput="FAIL" onFail="CONTINUE" lands in sql ouputCORE-2045
- onSqlOutput is documented as onUpdateSQL and with wrong valuesCORE-2044
- runAlways change set that is already run is missing from dbDocCORE-2043
- generatechangelog oracle fails with lowercase schema nameCORE-2039
- Incorrect syntax for addDefaultValue Oracle 12cCORE-2029Resolved issue: CORE-2029
- applyToRollback property ignored when rollback changes are specifiedCORE-2014Resolved issue: CORE-2014
- createProcedure - missing inverse rollbackCORE-2001
- dbchangelog-3.1.xsd missing <empty>CORE-1974Resolved issue: CORE-1974
- "Waiting for changelog lock...." INFO log should mention the database name, schema name, and duration (elapsed waiting time)CORE-1965
- Columnnames are not quoted when working with hsqldb-backendsCORE-1954
- liquibase loadData does not properly load numeric field in boolean always as falseCORE-1952Resolved issue: CORE-1952
- sql server '<createView replaceIfExists="true" ' should use create;alter rather than drop;create syntaxCORE-1927Resolved issue: CORE-1927
- liquibase can not inject options into a sql view (eg CREATE VIEW a WITH x AS b)CORE-1926
- liquibase scripts can not represent clustered indexesCORE-1925Resolved issue: CORE-1925
- SQLServer diff - DATETIME2 not being handled correctlyCORE-1924Resolved issue: CORE-1924
- unable to dropAll on DB2/400, version V6R1, on jt400-6.7.jarCORE-1916
- 'generateChangeLog' produces changelog which cannot be deployed using 'update'CORE-1911
- Support naming default value constraintCORE-1908
- Formatted SQL syntax checkingCORE-1907
- Diff between objects in different named default schemas doesn't see them as the same objectCORE-1906Resolved issue: CORE-1906
- Yaml parser supports .yml extension as well as .yamlCORE-1905Resolved issue: CORE-1905
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