- sql changesets should allow setting of the tag attributeCORE-3584
- Update snowflake extension to work with Liquibase 3.8.x+CORE-3574
- Medium severity vulnerability CVE-2015-9251 in jquery.min.js version 2.2.4CORE-3422
- Statement splitting bug: SQL string literal grammar is RDBMS-dependentCORE-3417
- Print out GO statement for SQL Server in generated SQL not after every statementCORE-3414
- Using Command line start option of java -jar <path-to-liquibase-jar>) dosent work in 3.5.5 versionCORE-3412
- Liquibase is not detecting changes in default value field of the columnCORE-3361
- Rollback fails when Liquibase is run in SpringCORE-3353
- Lexical error at line 5, column 16. Encountered: "\u2116" (8470), after : ""CORE-3326
- Liquibase is failed to modify column datatype with TIMESTAMP typeCORE-3320
- DefaultPackageScanClassResolver scans wrong paths if package full name contains "!"CORE-3310
- ShouldRunChangeSetFilter initialization behavior update from 3.5.0 breaks custom taskCORE-3299
- NPE in MissingTableChangeGenerator.fixMissing when running liquibase:generateChangeLogCORE-3297
- Quoted semicolon after escaped quotes wrongly interpreted as delimiterCORE-3283
- Changeset attribute names are not validated in SQL formatCORE-3277
- Impossible to set a custom service locator without scanning the classpath twiceCORE-3273
- Change datatype from VARCHAR to TEXT fails on OracleDB with errorCORE-3266
- rpm and debian(.deb) packages disappeared from releases since 3.5.4CORE-3259
- Property 'autoReorg' cannot be set from the property fileCORE-3257
- During rollback dropping a unique constraint also removes associated indexCORE-3255
- Preconditions stop working unexpectedlyCORE-3248
- Wrong version of Liquibase in the databasechangelog tableCORE-3245
- Diff doesn't show differences in stored procedures and functionsCORE-3244
- Changeset run by --include treated as different than the same changeset run by --migrationCORE-3241
- --delimiter parameter in liquibase: Unknown option: 'delimiter'CORE-3238
- Exception when using encrypted properties on SqlServer 2005 or later (PropertyProviderClass is not used for decryption)CORE-3234
- Oracle 11g doesn't support TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE data typeCORE-3229Resolved issue: CORE-3229
- SQL statements in <sql> tag are not using defaultSchema when configured with MultiTenantSpringLiquibaseCORE-3225
- Changelog with includeAll will not find child changelogs in multi-modules Spring Boot's executable JARCORE-3213Resolved issue: CORE-3213
- liquibase-core should not include jqueryCORE-3203
- NUMBER not compatible with H2 in PostreSql compatibility modeCORE-3202
- liquibase with Oracle raises exception "Table 'DATABASECHANGELOG' already exists" when using separate liquibase schemaCORE-3199
- Configuration option to prefer internal XSD usageCORE-3198Resolved issue: CORE-3198
- java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.util.Date during lockService.listLocks() [SQLite]CORE-3197
- Liquibase 3.5.5 reports version 3.5.4 in DATABASECHANGELOGCORE-3196Resolved issue: CORE-3196
- cmd line option --databaseChangeLogTableName does not work properlyCORE-3195Resolved issue: CORE-3195
- Support sequence number for MariaDBCORE-3194
- dropAllForeignKeys (FindForeignKeyConstraintsGeneratorDerby) doesn't work for lower case table namesCORE-3193
- Error while including resources with includeAll directiveCORE-3192Resolved issue: CORE-3192
- dropFirst ignoredCORE-3191
- ClobType sets CHARACTER SET utf8 on NCLOB and MySQLCORE-3190
- generateChangeLogCORE-3189
- Liquibase 3.5.5 present itself as 3.5.4CORE-3188
- Currency type is incorrectly converted for HSQLDBCORE-3187
- Rollback <tag> delete tagDatabaseCORE-3186
- New Refactoring "dropAllIndexes" should be available to drop all indices of a tableCORE-3185
- Snapshot versions in liquibase-debian & liquibase-rpmCORE-3183
- diffChangeLog doesn't mind existing "default nextval(...)" postgres column valuesCORE-3182
- Maven liquibase:generateChangeLog doesn't work properly with Hibernate entitiesCORE-3181
- A DBMS-specific change set referencing a DBMS-specific rollback can't be parsed on a different DBMSCORE-3180Resolved issue: CORE-3180
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