- CSV Load Data inferes wrong column types when specify a single column mappingCORE-3455
- Invalid XML character during changelog snapshotCORE-3432
- Statement splitting bug: SQL string literal grammar is RDBMS-dependentCORE-3417
- Using Command line start option of java -jar <path-to-liquibase-jar>) dosent work in 3.5.5 versionCORE-3412
- Error when using dropAll and update twice in different schemaCORE-3390
- Change set ID set to InfinityCORE-3384
- sql and sqlFile not executing sql statementsCORE-3369
- Lexical error at line 5, column 16. Encountered: "\u2116" (8470), after : ""CORE-3326
- generateChangeLog for mssql server will only generate empty changelog fileCORE-3323
- Exception on liquibase.bat because of missing slf4j-api-1.7.25.jarCORE-3322
- Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/slf4j/LoggerFactoryCORE-3301
- ShouldRunChangeSetFilter initialization behavior update from 3.5.0 breaks custom taskCORE-3299
- NPE in MissingTableChangeGenerator.fixMissing when running liquibase:generateChangeLogCORE-3297
- loadData behavior changed for text columnsCORE-3287
- Unable to define different names for databasechangelog and databasechangeloglock tables programmaticallyCORE-3274
- boolean with default value broken for oracleCORE-3272Resolved issue: CORE-3272
- Changesets > Do not allow absolute paths while loading csvCORE-3270
- Exception in thread "main" liquibase.util.grammar.TokenMgrError: Lexical error at line 146302, column 163. Encountered: "\u00b0" (176), after : ""CORE-3269
- Error casting to DiffToChangeLogCommandCORE-3267
- Number Format Exception When Importing CSV FileCORE-3265
- Liquibase 3.6.1 not working for MaxDBCORE-3264
- SQL Server not resolving data typeCORE-3263Resolved issue: CORE-3263
- FileSystemResourceAccessor fails with non-hierarchical URLs on class pathCORE-3262
- [JAVA API] - Cannot find LockService for mysql/h2/db-typeCORE-3261Resolved issue: CORE-3261
- Infinite loop on websiteCORE-3260
- rpm and debian(.deb) packages disappeared from releases since 3.5.4CORE-3259
- dropProcedure should support dbms attributeCORE-3258
- Property 'autoReorg' cannot be set from the property fileCORE-3257
- Verbose flag not getting interperated during 'status' command.CORE-3256Resolved issue: CORE-3256
- Logging set to DEBUG when using liquibase.integration.spring.SpringLiquibaseCORE-3254
- Create view always gets an error: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly endedCORE-3253
- PostgreSQL Default Schema Behavior and Set Paths in v 3.6.xCORE-3252
- SQL Server Changesets Not Escaping KeywordsCORE-3251Resolved issue: CORE-3251
- generate preconditions with with onFail behavior for generate changelogsCORE-3250
- slf4j-api not included in 3.6.1 cli jarCORE-3249
- LIquibase ignore logLevelCORE-3247
- running update and setting NULL values as preparedStatements on Derby causes errorCORE-3246
- 3.6 upgrade issueCORE-3243
- MS SQL Server 2008 support issueCORE-3242Resolved issue: CORE-3242
- No constraint created when adding multiple columnsCORE-3240
- The wrong order of generated SQL instructions in a Liquibase SQL diff make the diff unexecutableCORE-3239
- --delimiter parameter in liquibase: Unknown option: 'delimiter'CORE-3238
- generateChangeLog with --diffTypes=data throws error on LOB-FieldsCORE-3237
- Exception when using encrypted properties on SqlServer 2005 or later (PropertyProviderClass is not used for decryption)CORE-3234
- The command executeSql no longer accepts command parametersCORE-3233
- NPE in LogService.pushContext for MDCs that don't allow null valuesCORE-3231Resolved issue: CORE-3231
- Oracle 11g doesn't support TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE data typeCORE-3229Resolved issue: CORE-3229
- Precondition primaryKeyExists seems to not work correctly on MariaDBCORE-3228
- Change default updateSQL endDelimiter from ";" to "\\n/\\n" for DB2 databaseCORE-3227
- H2 till 1.4.197 till does not support TIMESTAMP with/without timezoneCORE-3226
50 of 68
CSV Load Data inferes wrong column types when specify a single column mapping
liquibase 3.4.2
csv loaddata
Created August 6, 2019 at 8:50 AM
Updated November 30, 2020 at 3:52 PM
Gyula Bibernáth November 30, 2020 at 3:52 PMEdited
I've run into the same problem and come to the same conclusion. Also implemented the fix for it, but the PR has not been merged yet
Bringer OfDawn August 3, 2020 at 8:48 AM
Hi again! any news about this?
Bringer OfDawn October 9, 2019 at 9:39 AM
Hi! Do you have any information regarding this issue?
Thanks a lot in advance
We have some loadData calls using some CSV's. In version 3.4.2 everything works fine, but since version 3.6.X, generateStatements method in class LoadDataChange works slightly different.
If we have a database table with the following columns ID, NAME, CREATION_DATE and we have the following line (this is just an example)
<loadData encoding="UTF-8" file="classpath:config/liquibase/data/v4.0.0/initial_data_my_table.csv" separator="," tableName="MY_TABLE"> <column name="CREATION_DATE" type="timestamp"/> </loadData>
Code reaches the following line:
if (columns.isEmpty()) { columns.addAll(getColumnsFromHeaders(headers)); }
In this example, columns is not empty, neither complete. So the only mapping is CREATION_DATE, trying to insert the ID field (number), as a string, and failing during the migration process
One solution could be completing mapping using default database mappings and giving a higher priority to the mappings defined in the file.
if (columns.isEmpty()) { columns.addAll(getColumnsFromHeaders(headers)); }else { completeColumnsEspecificationWithCsvDefinition(headers); }
Due to this issue, we cannot upgrade liquibase dependencies to latest versions
Thanks a lot fot your help!