- CSV Load Data inferes wrong column types when specify a single column mappingCORE-3455
- Invalid XML character during changelog snapshotCORE-3432
- Statement splitting bug: SQL string literal grammar is RDBMS-dependentCORE-3417
- Using Command line start option of java -jar <path-to-liquibase-jar>) dosent work in 3.5.5 versionCORE-3412
- Error when using dropAll and update twice in different schemaCORE-3390
- Change set ID set to InfinityCORE-3384
- sql and sqlFile not executing sql statementsCORE-3369
- Lexical error at line 5, column 16. Encountered: "\u2116" (8470), after : ""CORE-3326
- generateChangeLog for mssql server will only generate empty changelog fileCORE-3323
- Exception on liquibase.bat because of missing slf4j-api-1.7.25.jarCORE-3322
- Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/slf4j/LoggerFactoryCORE-3301
- ShouldRunChangeSetFilter initialization behavior update from 3.5.0 breaks custom taskCORE-3299
- NPE in MissingTableChangeGenerator.fixMissing when running liquibase:generateChangeLogCORE-3297
- loadData behavior changed for text columnsCORE-3287
- Unable to define different names for databasechangelog and databasechangeloglock tables programmaticallyCORE-3274
- boolean with default value broken for oracleCORE-3272Resolved issue: CORE-3272
- Changesets > Do not allow absolute paths while loading csvCORE-3270
- Exception in thread "main" liquibase.util.grammar.TokenMgrError: Lexical error at line 146302, column 163. Encountered: "\u00b0" (176), after : ""CORE-3269
- Error casting to DiffToChangeLogCommandCORE-3267
- Number Format Exception When Importing CSV FileCORE-3265
- Liquibase 3.6.1 not working for MaxDBCORE-3264
- SQL Server not resolving data typeCORE-3263Resolved issue: CORE-3263
- FileSystemResourceAccessor fails with non-hierarchical URLs on class pathCORE-3262
- [JAVA API] - Cannot find LockService for mysql/h2/db-typeCORE-3261Resolved issue: CORE-3261
- Infinite loop on websiteCORE-3260
- rpm and debian(.deb) packages disappeared from releases since 3.5.4CORE-3259
- dropProcedure should support dbms attributeCORE-3258
- Property 'autoReorg' cannot be set from the property fileCORE-3257
- Verbose flag not getting interperated during 'status' command.CORE-3256Resolved issue: CORE-3256
- Logging set to DEBUG when using liquibase.integration.spring.SpringLiquibaseCORE-3254
- Create view always gets an error: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly endedCORE-3253
- PostgreSQL Default Schema Behavior and Set Paths in v 3.6.xCORE-3252
- SQL Server Changesets Not Escaping KeywordsCORE-3251Resolved issue: CORE-3251
- generate preconditions with with onFail behavior for generate changelogsCORE-3250
- slf4j-api not included in 3.6.1 cli jarCORE-3249
- LIquibase ignore logLevelCORE-3247
- running update and setting NULL values as preparedStatements on Derby causes errorCORE-3246
- 3.6 upgrade issueCORE-3243
- MS SQL Server 2008 support issueCORE-3242Resolved issue: CORE-3242
- No constraint created when adding multiple columnsCORE-3240
- The wrong order of generated SQL instructions in a Liquibase SQL diff make the diff unexecutableCORE-3239
- --delimiter parameter in liquibase: Unknown option: 'delimiter'CORE-3238
- generateChangeLog with --diffTypes=data throws error on LOB-FieldsCORE-3237
- Exception when using encrypted properties on SqlServer 2005 or later (PropertyProviderClass is not used for decryption)CORE-3234
- The command executeSql no longer accepts command parametersCORE-3233
- NPE in LogService.pushContext for MDCs that don't allow null valuesCORE-3231Resolved issue: CORE-3231
- Oracle 11g doesn't support TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE data typeCORE-3229Resolved issue: CORE-3229
- Precondition primaryKeyExists seems to not work correctly on MariaDBCORE-3228
- Change default updateSQL endDelimiter from ";" to "\\n/\\n" for DB2 databaseCORE-3227
- H2 till 1.4.197 till does not support TIMESTAMP with/without timezoneCORE-3226
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