- Hitting Conversion Issue When Varbinary and DateTime2 Data Type been Used in the same ChangeSetCORE-3582
- Attribute 'path' is not allowed to appear in element 'createView' (liquibase-maven-plugin)CORE-3564
- Allow to flexibility for --force continue execution of ChangeSet' s SqlQueries when encounters errorsCORE-3560
- Custom property in liquibase (after migration to newer version) causes failure in Spring bootCORE-3546
- Passing changelog params in CLI doesn't override paramsCORE-3545
- Parameters ignored in formatted sql file changelog id'sCORE-3529
- Inconsistent resolution of ChangeLogParameters in liquibase.changelog.ChangeLogParameters#findParameterCORE-3493
- DbChangelog xsd file > 3.6 is not availableCORE-3472
- includeAll requires files to be part of the application running Liquibase, external files are discardedCORE-3436
- MySQLDatabase.supportsCatalogs() and MySQLDatabase.supportsSchemas() results are wrong (switched)CORE-3435
- alterSequence - incrementBy is not allowed on h2CORE-3416
- Error when using dropAll and update twice in different schemaCORE-3390
- includeAll can't resolve relativeToChangelogFile path within a jar fileCORE-3386Resolved issue: CORE-3386
- ValidationFailedException v2: clustered is not allowed on h2CORE-3381
- YAML serializer generates wrong changesetsCORE-3340
- XML serializer generates wrong changesetsCORE-3336
- Changed path on build in IDEA cause reapply all migrationsCORE-3317
- Non global change log parameters are wrongly resolved in inner filesCORE-3293Resolved issue: CORE-3293
- Liquibase DataType and Oracle SupportCORE-3292
- loadData behavior changed for text columnsCORE-3287
- second changeset in the Change Log not workingCORE-3285Resolved issue: CORE-3285
- addForeignKeyConstraint ignores deleteCascade="true"CORE-3278
- Error: Unknown data type: "JSONB"; SQL statement with H2 DBCORE-3268
- SQL statements in <sql> tag are not using defaultSchema when configured with MultiTenantSpringLiquibaseCORE-3225
- Parsing valueDate Attribute of column Tag leads to precision loss and generating SQL for Oracle DB is brokenCORE-3221Resolved issue: CORE-3221
- settting deferrable or initiallyDeferred fails for any version of derby >=
- Changelog with includeAll will not find child changelogs in multi-modules Spring Boot's executable JARCORE-3213Resolved issue: CORE-3213
- Change Log Parameters from Environment VariableCORE-3205Resolved issue: CORE-3205
- dbms attribute values are case insensitive for changeset tags but for sql tags inside changeset the values for dbms attribute should be all lower caseCORE-3184
- A DBMS-specific change set referencing a DBMS-specific rollback can't be parsed on a different DBMSCORE-3180Resolved issue: CORE-3180
- property file-attribute path is relative to execution locationCORE-3178
- Different behavior for changeset using Liquibase syntax or SQL for table creationCORE-3133
- ResourceComparator is not applied for includeAllCORE-3123Resolved issue: CORE-3123
- XSD changeset -> createProcedure -> commentsCORE-3102
- generateChangeLog will add a cacheSize parameter to the sequences SQL, but it is no longer supportedCORE-3091
- Multiple contexts not recognized in formatted SQL when using AND (3.5.1)CORE-3071
- Changelog include file "../" relativeToChangelogFile broken when bundled in jarCORE-3059
- Custom resourceComparator for includeAll has no usage in code.CORE-3027
- When use <includeAll path="migration/" /> migration run twice.CORE-3026
- Liquibase generates columns with the same name (Sybase)CORE-3019
- add "ifExists" to dropProcedureCORE-3011
- Add support for AddNullConstraint and DropNullConstraint to FirebirdCORE-2994
- Problems with custom change's confirmation message when using parametersCORE-2989
- 3.5.3 version : includeAll uses Absolute Path as changeset pathCORE-2974
- Error loading liquibase-changelog.xml with space in path (Win7)CORE-2958
- Changelog with includeAll will not find child changelogs in Spring Boot's executable JARCORE-2948Resolved issue: CORE-2948
- Make Load*DataChange aware of ChangeLogParametersCORE-2947
- includeAll tag not working with full pathCORE-2892
- Liquibase Execution Log tableCORE-2884
- Capture the execution time in DATABASECHANGELOG tableCORE-2883
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