- unable to create valid postgres tables with sql changesetsCORE-3590Resolved issue: CORE-3590
- diffCangeLog creates statement that can't be applied to DB with dataCORE-3569
- Changelog parameters cannot be overridden in the parameters block in Formatted SQLCORE-3544
- Incorrent changelog generated PGSQLCORE-3518
- liquibase linux removes comments from formatted SQL changelogs despite stripComments:falseCORE-3506
- View definition comparison reports a false positive for Oracle 12CCORE-3430
- Change Log Parameters in formatted SqlCORE-3380
- rollbackSplitStatements and rollbackEndDelimiter ignored for all change logs except lastCORE-3355
- Quoted semicolon after escaped quotes wrongly interpreted as delimiterCORE-3283
- Changeset attribute names are not validated in SQL formatCORE-3277
- Different behavior for changeset using Liquibase syntax or SQL for table creationCORE-3133
- SQLAnywhere: java-coredump on changeSet-SQLCORE-3054Resolved issue: CORE-3054
- Liquibase stuck when schema files not reachableCORE-3039
- Problems with custom change's confirmation message when using parametersCORE-2989
- Comments at end of statements are incorrectly parsedCORE-2971Resolved issue: CORE-2971
- Context typo causes changeset to be silently ignoredCORE-2862
- SQL Comments are included in checksum calculationCORE-2769
- Slow processing of changesets in formated sqlCORE-2759Resolved issue: CORE-2759
- endDelimiter regex does not work in SQL changelogs/changesetsCORE-2721Resolved issue: CORE-2721
- Omit Database lock in updateSQL and rollbackSQLCORE-2712
- endDelimiter regexp problemCORE-2709Resolved issue: CORE-2709
- Changeset validation error appears after adding new sql changeset in the same fileCORE-2654
- SQL syntax doesn't allow commenting indepenrent parts.CORE-2629Resolved issue: CORE-2629
- Add tagDatabase command to SQL syntaxCORE-2621
- Bad castCORE-2588Resolved issue: CORE-2588
- Strings with '--' are not processed correctlyCORE-2559Resolved issue: CORE-2559
- Unable to specify DB Schema as a property when using the SQL File FormatCORE-2503
- Change formatted SQL stripComments default from "true" to "false"CORE-2383
- preConditions, rollback, property, include, includeAll cannot be serializedCORE-2361Resolved issue: CORE-2361
- Disable CREATE TABLE DATABASECHANGELOG generation when running on OfflineConnectionCORE-2334Resolved issue: CORE-2334
- Liquibase - New versions break DB createCORE-2325Resolved issue: CORE-2325
- Allow multi-line rollback statements in formatted sql changefile.CORE-2193
- Support for non-split rollback statements in Formatted SQLCORE-1984Resolved issue: CORE-1984
- includeAll uses full file path for sql changelogsCORE-1967Resolved issue: CORE-1967
- Add changelog parameters support to formattedsql preconditionsCORE-1945
- Formatted SQL generateChangeLog failedCORE-1935Resolved issue: CORE-1935
- SQLOutput prints endDelimiter regexesCORE-1877Resolved issue: CORE-1877
- migration not detected when author name in the changeset has a dot "."CORE-1864
- Liquibase generates invalid SQL for 'character varying' typeCORE-1853Resolved issue: CORE-1853
- stripComments:true on SQL changesets incorrectly looks inside of valuesCORE-1801
- updateSQL is not including content from sqlFile (at least not when ran from Linux)CORE-1734Resolved issue: CORE-1734
- Formatted SQL support for external filesCORE-1637
- Default setting for stripComments incorrect for SQL formatted CL - Oracle hints removed.CORE-1628
- DatabaseException in changesets that include date fields with default valuesCORE-1602Resolved issue: CORE-1602
- SQL changelog are not correctly handled (NPE)CORE-1464Resolved issue: CORE-1464
- Support changeset comments in formatted SQLCORE-1422Resolved issue: CORE-1422
- Whitespace in author in SQL formatted changelog causes that migration to be silently skippedCORE-1369Resolved issue: CORE-1369
- Liquibase formatted SQL doesn't respect multi-line commentsCORE-1350
- Include SQL file with relativeToChangelogFile doesn't workCORE-1343Resolved issue: CORE-1343
- Formatted SQL does not support contexts such as "some-context" or "some/context"CORE-1324Resolved issue: CORE-1324
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